My home page


One of my hobbies is reading and collecting comics, specifically American ones, such as Spider-Man. And no, I don't think I'm too old for such things! When I have time, I will be putting a defense of comics as a literary medium here.

In the meantime, here is my theory on the Spider-Man clone saga.

Comic strips (e.g. Peanuts) don't exactly count as comics, but here are the ones I read each day anyway.

As my collection has grown over the years, I have needed to organise it. There are two aspects to this:

And, of course, I need a place to go for my weekly fix.

I read these comics on a regular basis.

I used to read Daredevil (for about 7 years in fact), but I dropped it from my pull-list a while back. Here's why.

Here's a list of some of my favourite quotes from the various comics that I've read.

I've also written an article about Sandman spinoffs (originally for ICSF).

Finally, here are some miscellaneous links that didn't fit in anywhere else.

This page was last updated on 2003-12-29 by John C. Kirk

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