My opinions

My worldview

Basically, I'm weird. What many people don't seem to realise, however, is that I am quite content with this state of affairs; I have no wish to be "normal".

I have been, and probably always shall be, hopelessly naive. Not to mention gullible too. This has caused me some problems in the past, but I guess I just like to believe that deep down people are nice. I blame television - at an early age I watched various programmes (e.g. The Care Bears), with their moral of the day, and I was hopelessly corrupted! Unfortunately, I've noticed that since I moved to London my attitudes have taken a turn for the worse; I think that being surrounded by the cattle mentality of so many city people has damaged my faith in humanity.

As I said, I was influenced by television as a child, and I still am now to some extent. However, I pick and choose which influences to follow, so I don't see this as a problem. For instance, I agree with the Klingon philosophy towards corpses ("the body after death is an empty shell - treat it as such"), but I'm a vegetarian. This is one example of the many apparent contradictions about my nature. For instance, I like chirpy teeny-bopper music by people like Louise and Kylie Minogue, and Disney cartoons, but I also read computer textbooks.

I suppose my ultimate goal in life is to make a difference - to be able to say that I've left the world a better place for my passing, and basically justify my existence. It's as simple, and as complex, as that. Again, there is a television influence here - the theme of Knight Rider was that "one man can make a difference".

This page was last updated on 2003-12-29 by John C. Kirk

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